Agriturismo casali per TRATTAMENTI in amaca massaggi e cucina depurativa / Accoglienza formazione parentale , gruppi tel wazz app telegram 3294167403
I casali in gestione dalla scuola di Valbonesi amaca Armonica sono più spazi delocalizzati in Italia per chi è in cerca di un momento di relax a contatto con se stesso, immersi nella natura straordinaria di un bosco secolare e svolgere attività ricreative.
Potrete alloggiare in casette d’epoca, restaurate e arredate con gusto e rispetto della tradizione o nelle stanze nell’antico casale di campagna .
I casali in Toscana , Lazio , Campania , Umbria sono i luogo ideale per ospitare gruppi olistici in cerca di un posto dove svolgere seminari, workshop, intensivi, corsi residenziali di attività e discipline dedicate alla crescita del potenziale umano, come yoga, bioenergetica, musica, danza, naturopatia e ogni altra disciplina naturale.
I 4 casali del circuito relax Valbonesi sono il luogo ideale per ospitare gruppi olistici i
La struttura offre ai gruppi due diverse modalità di sistemazione, a secondo delle diverse necessità. I gruppi inferiori a 12 persone possono alloggiare nei casali – 4 appartamenti del villaggio di caccia costituito completamente autonomi, con bagno (con nostra fornitura di lenzuola e asciugamani), cucina, riscaldamento e camino.
Per le attività dei gruppi vi sono a disposizione accanto agli appartamenti due sale polivalenti, accoglienti, confortevoli e luminose, circondate dal verde che possono contenere rispettivamente:
• una fino a 50 posti a teatro per un’area di 90 mq (mesi estivi e primaverili);
• l’altra fino a 15 posti per un’area di 50 mq (con aria condizionata e riscaldamento).

Inoltre vi è la possibilità di usufruire degli spazi anche per:
• affitto solamente delle sale per seminari di uno o più giorni;
• affitto di piazzole per il camping per gruppi;
• internet Wi-Fi gratuito.
scuola olistica Valbonesi è sinonimo di OSPITALITÀ PER GRUPPI
I boschi secolari che circondano i 4 casali del circuito relax Valbonesi sono tutti in luoghi unici e speciali, oltre a svolgervi le attività di gruppo, che beneficeranno del magico silenzio e delle armoniose vibrazioni della natura circostante, nel tempo libero, potrete godere di questa meravigliosa cornice naturale e trascorrere momenti di serenità e rilassamento oltre che decidere eventualmente di impegnarvi in queste attività:
- passeggiate nei boschi vicini ai casali un tempo riserve di caccia oggi zona di ripopolamento per fagiani, lepri, germani e palombe, oggetto di bird watching da capanni di avvistamento in riva allo stagno che si trova nel cuore del bosco. Una guida esperta – per gruppi – sarà a vostra disposizione per accompagnarvi a visitare il bosco, attraverso dei sentieri. È inoltre possibile organizzare escursioni e lezioni di equitazione farsi una bella nuotata nella piscina a 5 minuti dalla tenuta;
- corsi di Kundalini e Hatha yoga in maca , individuali e di gruppo
- trattamenti di massaggio sonoro e thai massage aereo e massaggi Shiatzu;
- lezioni di cucina biologica e vegetariana con i nostri prodotti biologici;
- la Passeggiata Sonora nel bosco con gong e campane tibetane ;
- visita alle fiere dell oriente con i nostri corsi espereziali
Abbiamo il primo casale integrato al Centro di Medicina Integrata dell’ospedale Petruccioli di Pitigliano che prevede l’utilizzo della medicina ufficiale in maniera integrata con le medicine complementari normate dalla Regione Toscana (agopuntura, omeopatia) nella cura di alcune patologie diffuse nella popolazione (patologie respiratorie, gastrointestinali, dermatologiche, allergie, asma, malattie reumatiche, negli esiti di traumi e di ictus, nell’ambito della riabilitazione ortopedica e neurologica, dolore cronico,; per contenere gli effetti collaterali della chemioterapia in oncologia e nelle cure palliative). Il nostro compito è potenziare questa rete di medicina tradizionale cinese – tibetana – indiana con maestri del circuito del festival dell oriente che trasferiranno importantissime tecniche e principi per il controllo della mente e del corpo da ogni tipo di sistuazione ostile .

Stiamo creando un centro didattico LIBERTARIO ORGANIZZATO( collaborazione con scuole steneriane e montessoriane ed altre private in itinere) ESPERENZIALE impostato sull AUTOSUFFICIENZA ENERGETICA, IDRICA, ALIMENTARE, ESISTENZIALE per essere un isola di felicità . I Casali sono un luogo d incontro per fare LABORATORI in 3 D con simulatori nelle aree didattiche e biblioteche di tutto il mondo e sono una fucina di coworking per imparare i Mestieri , La base è una rete diffusa di aree didattiche dove i bambini e rgazzi , adulti possono trovare le esperienze di 55 anni di storie e scuole olistiche e di aiuto riconosciute a livello Europeo. Una didattica orientata alla felicità , al sorriso, al rispetto della tradizione Tibetana Orientale . Monaci, maestri, Guru, ricercatori della Verità provenienti da ogni parte del pianeta saranno invitati per catalizzare ” homeschooling” . Operiamo nel rispetto dei valori Costituzionali . Progetti di scuola parentale che sono un’alternativa validissima, se non anche migliore, rispetto alle scuole tradizionali statali, soprattutto negli ultimi tempi in cui le mascherine impediscono la normale respirazione dei bambini , . Lo staf organizzativo è costituito solo dai massimi livelli “supervisor” : MIGLIAIA DI ORE DI esperienza sul campo .La famiglia in istruzione parentale (homeschooling) si pone come principale attore nel sistema dell’istruzione ed educazione. Questo suo ruolo, in tale contesto, è modulato dalle scelte che effettua. Ovvero, se la strada intrapresa è quella dell’istruzione parentale in ambito famigliare, la presa in gestione è in misura ampia; se la strada è quella della scuola parentale, l’atto di delega è più accentuato. per inscrizioni al progetto 3294167403
Gusto cibo, giusta azione, giusta consapevolezza
«Il cibo e l’agricoltura sono le due facce di un unico corpo. È più chiaro della luce del sole che se l’agricoltura naturale non viene praticata i cibi naturali non saranno disponibili al pubblico. Ma se non viene instaurata una dieta naturale il contadino resterà confuso a proposito di cosa coltivare. Se la gente non diventa un popolo naturale, non ci può essere né agricoltura naturale né alimenti naturali. In una delle baracche sulla montagna ho lasciato le parole «Giusto cibo, giusta azione, giusta consapevolezza» scritte su un legno di pino sopra al focolare. Le tre non possono essere separate una dall’altra. Se ne manca solo una, nessuna può essere realizzata. Se se ne realizza una, tutte si realizzano. La gente vede con compiacimento il mondo come un posto dove il «progresso» si espande nell’agitazione e nello scompiglio. Ma lo sviluppo distruttivo e senza scopo invita alla confusione delle idee, provoca addirittura la degenerazione e il collasso del genere umano. Se non si capisce chiaramente cosa sia l’immobile fonte di tutta questa attività – cosa sia la natura – sarà impossibile recuperare la nostra salute.»
Masanobu Fukuoka

Ci sono tempi ben scanditi dai ritmi della natura,
Se vuoi avere frutti, e così mangiare,
in ogni momento devi sapere cosa fare
Perciò, pensavo che il miglior antidepressivo è proprio la campagna, il contatto con la terra.
La campagna ti insegna
Quando pulire e quando lasciar stare
Quando seminare se vuoi raccogliere
Quando ritirarti e quando armarti di zappa
Quando mettere da parte i semi
La campagna ti insegna
Che non puoi lasciare per domani
Che niente è realmente perduto
Che prima o poi il seme germoglia
Che il frutto è importante ma li niente finisce
La terra

La dolcezza
La conoscenza
La terra

Di energia
Di gioia
Di voglia di vivere!
supervaisor dott. ENRICO VALBONESI HAS CREATED the method HOLISTIC HAMMOC mode: MORE THAN 2000 ideas and 3000 EXPERIMENTAL POSITIONS that he himself has experienced AND ON LINE COURSES RECOGNIZED AS THE MOST ORIGINAL IN THE WORLD: CURRICULUM VITAE Enrico Valbonesi Director of the Holistic School HAMMOCK Harmonic SIAFitalia .
Teacher inventor inventor of more than 7 patents AIR TREATMENT ON HAMMOCKZIONI in different fields and books and method TREATMENT IN THE AIR HAMMOCKtivo named in his patents “TREATMENTS IN THE AIR HAMMOCK” olitic airplane with more than 30 years of teaching in 4 languages : English French Spanish Italian on 3 continents for a total of 7908 hours of frontal teachings, also visible in the 1300 videos on the you tube channel: TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON
A holistic operator, he recognizes and chooses the way of the aerial arts for health as his lifestyle and begins, at the age of 14, to experiment and study in the various fields of research, natural treatments and meditation.
Participate in groups of gestalt, meditation, counseling and martial arts; in 1998 he began to study the art of Holistic massage, then Reiki, Californian massage, etc., Shiatsu and Ayurvedic massage, he also studied the foundations of aerial arts in america and the martial arts path, thus integrating bioenergetic studies and meditation in movement and the sublimation of energy in the hammock.
More than 7 patents between inventions and brands in the field of wellness and the aerial arts including the hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCKZIONAL.
He studies and practices with different Masters, in Europe and in Asia, touching the popular artistic traditions and the different approach to human beings and to the problems related to the stress of modern life.
Furthermore, for 30 years she has worked with various spas, agritouristic facilities, beauty centers, gyms, universities, colleges, as she is collaborating with industry associations for the support, development and dissemination of the aerial arts and health; organizes training courses for operators and collaborates with personal trainers, scientists, artisans, doctors as support for holism / and its recognition. In his study he proposes a work on the support and prevention of stress and all the psychophysical problems deriving from it, through the TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK yoga and the massage in hammock. and creates more than 500 holistic systems adapted to hammocks TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK:
Recognized teacher of raja yoga after 3 years plus 1 internship at the Energheia school.
teaches of metamorphic technics 6 years of practice every tuesday.
countless conferences in the holistic and frontier sector throughout Italy.
Writer of 50 e-books published online on the portals and of books on paper-based fascicles manauli TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK, the inventor of a new method of doing holistic aerial arts recorded at Siae.
A bit of dates in the history of Valbonesi
master reiki 2005
esoteric healer three years more than 800 hours of practical theoretical lesson 2006-2009
2005 reflexology foot training every Tuesday since 2005 so far
2004 still organizing conferences all over the world
2005 founder of kerberos foundation for human evolution and conference Man of the third millennium in Rome
creator of the method of spiritual evolution TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK and meditation in hammock with Tibetan bells and aurasoma with simultaneous massage at the feet for self healing
2005 countless cases of opening of the 4 ciakra thanks to the ancient Egyptian techniques of karnach
thai bankok boulder courses 2009
2008-2009 the energized waters conferences and summary of studies on my scientific discoveries on the properties of the water of convents and sacred sources also collaboration with Emoto (Japan) in order to discover the interactions between healing and subtle vibration of water molecules
2004-2005 vicenza conferences on wellness holism oriental and technical practices of analysis and monitoring of gravitational and super gravitational devices
The pile Bettona Assisi conferences on ‘TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK .. 2002
Peace mandates conferences on TREATMENTS IN THE HAMMOCK, wellness and science 2001
frequented the following holistic experiential courses both by direct participation and indirectly by hearing the espereinCe of friends and reading notes and seeing in this regard he was able to rewrite the following volumes thanks to the help of a passionate editor of TREATMENTS IN THE HAMMOCK ‘:
Description: airplane TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 1
Watercolor of the TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volue positions in amamme 2
Clay baths and mud baths TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 3
Neuro-emotional integration (NEI) TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 4
Theory of human flight with wings from Icarus and launch from hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 5
Harmonization of the sensitive body TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 6
Postural integration TREATMENT IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 7
Transpersonal psychology TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 8
Aromatherapy and Aromatology TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 9
Hypnosis TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 10
Psychosynthesis TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 11
Obstetric art TREATMENT IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®come to give birth in the air, volume 12
Hippotherapy with horse saddle made of hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 13
Psychosomatics TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 14
Art therapy TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 15
Fitness TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 16
Psychotherapy TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 17
Tehta healing for animals TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 18
Martial arts ® TREATMENTS IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 18
Qi Shen Tao TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 19
Observation of the planets from the sky and Astrology TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ® volume 20,
Jin ShinTRATTAMENTI NELL ARIA ON HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume volume 21,
Qi-gong TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 22,
immersion in colored tanks with the chosen color system Aura Soma TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 23,
Kinesiology TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 24,
Radiestesia TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 25,
Reprogramming of fetal traumas TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 26,
Kinesiopatia TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 27,
Radionics TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 28,
Self-stimulation with modules anchored to the fabric TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 29,
Life Alignment TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 30
Rebirthing breathing assisted by vetilators TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 31
Avatar TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 32
Lymphatic drainage TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 33
Reconnection TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 34
Ayurveda TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 35
Bath of Ayurveda oil to shower TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 36
Reconnective theta Ealing TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 37
Chrysalis caterpillar butterfly therapy TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 38
Magnetotherapy on the meridians along the outline of the body TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 39
Reiki 1 TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 40
Biodanza TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 41
Anti-stress massage TREATMENT IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 42
Breathing Olotropic breathing assisted by vetilators under the hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 43
Bioenergetics TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 44
Massage with Ayurvedic bags sewn into the pockets of the hammocks TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 45
Re-education of the inverted point of view and reading in position to testà downwards TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 46
Biorenation of the whole body thanks to the health sensors along the hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 47
Bioenergetic massage TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 48
Facial massage and reflexology TREATMENT IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 49
Bioresonance treatment TREATMENTS IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 50,
Californian massage TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 51,
Plantar reflexology TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 52,
Biosystemic TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 53,
Bach flower massage TREATMENT IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 54,
Reiki 2 TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 55,
Biotransenergetica TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 56,
Chinese Energy Massage – Tui Na TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 57,
Global Postural Reprogramming TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 58,
Body Alignment Technique TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 59,
Hawaiian massage TREATMENT IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 60,
Postural Rolfing with Corsages TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 61,
Bowen Therapy the total pinch that heals TREATMENTS IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 62
Infant Massage TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 63
Amachal relaxation and Hawaiian way of life TREATMENTS IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 64
Breathwork blowing over and under a person lying on hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 65,
Lomi Lomi Massage TREATMENTS IN THE AMA META method Valbonesi ®, volume 66
Satsang electromagnetic redistribution and vital lymph along the microcapillaries of which the fabric of the hammock is made TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 67
Winning all resistance and fear TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 68
Mayr massage TREATMENT IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 69
Drums and songs Sciamanesimi TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 70
Floating chamber TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 71
Thai massage TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 72
Composition of music thanks to the notes written on the hammock which becomes a keyboard 3 meters long by 7 connected to a sound transducer method Valbonesi ®, volume 73
Sauna and Sweat Lodge TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 74
Thermal baths of hot bubbles in healing waters TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 75
Shiatsu TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 76
Chiropractic TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 77
Laser lighting TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 78
Levitation and slow diffusion of energy are TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 79
Clownerie juggling TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 80
Course of acrobatics TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 81
Bath with live fish and / or dolphins TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 82
Analytical Cluster TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 83
Medicine of the reabsorption of the points made on the whole body with hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 84
Holistic streccing TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 85
Coaching TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 86
Inversion Medicine TREATMENT IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 87,
Tai-chi TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 88,
Reiki 3 TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 89,
Tibetan Medicine TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 90,
Bithothermic dance in Bihammock in two TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 91,
dance of contact in two marionette TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 92
Transfusion medicine with liquid assimilation from the capillary vessels of the hammock fabric TREATMENT IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 93
Tantra make love in the air TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 94
The African Rites of the phallus set in hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 95
Meditation TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 96
Teatroterapia TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 97
Natural Cosmetics TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 98
The 4 elements light, water, air, earth sprayed in sequence on hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 99
Tambourines set in the hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK sounded to echo the harmonic loudspeakers of the Valbonesi ® body, volume 100
Family Constellations TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 101
Bates method TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 102
Metamorphic Technique TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 103
Counseling TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 101
Talking about one another in parallel TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 102
Vibrational Technique TREATMENT IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 103
Sacral skull TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 104
Canfora method TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 105
Relaxation techniques TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 106,
Creative visualization techniques with incense fumes TREATMENT IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 107
Feldenkrais method TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 108,
Angelica Therapy TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 109
Skeletal elongation TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 110,
Rite Druid of cremation aerial stakes plane after death TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 111,
Dorn therapy TREATMENT IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 112,
Crystallotherapy TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 113,
Kneipp method TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 114,
Kneipp therapy TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 115,
Chromotherapy and Chromopuntura TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 116,
Scratch scratching the skin to exfoliate on rough surface hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 117,
Tanning with UV lamps TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 118,
Depilation and exfoliation of wax baths TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 119,
Meziers method TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 119,
Theta Healing TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 120,
Unlike the disabled Without sight of impulses and stimuli TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 121,
Unlike skilled techniques to grow TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 122,
Three in One Concepts TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 122
Slimming diets with hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR on HAMMOCK self-absorbing with the Valbonesi ® skin method, volume 123
Pilates method aerial method Valbonesi ®, volume 124
Touch for Health TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 125
Suspension training for astronauts with zero gravity thanks to the hammock TREATMENT IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 126
Method of simulation of hang gliding flight in 3 dimensions on hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 127
Computer simulation games TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 128
Aeroability of aerial techniques for disabled people TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 129
Tomatis method TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 130
Autogenous training TREATMENT IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 131
Yoga on the tree TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 132
Finding your own physical emotional and spiritual balance TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 133
Mental Training TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 134
Bath immersion with Bach flowers TREATMENTS IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 135
Moxibustion TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 136
Creation of the vacuum pushed into diseased areas of the body TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK for therapeutic purposes Valbonesi ® method, volume 137
Acupuncture TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 138
Music therapy TREATMENT IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 139
Big risks emergency hospitals and pneumatic shelters that are assembled with hammocks TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK to sleep vertically in very limited areas Valbonesi ® method, volume 140
Hot air balloon hammock floating in the air free on hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK ultra light whose interwoven threads are plastic biscuits with a gas for levitation (helium) Valbonesi ® method, volume 141
Naturism and Wellness Naturist TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 142
Egyptian-Essene Treatments TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 143
Naturopathy TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 144
Urine shower to do total Urinotherapy TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 145
TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 145
Vega test of the entire body on hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 146
Fasting Therapy moisturize from the skin with micro drops that are emitted from the hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 147
Horticabolic Nutrition TREATMENT IN THE HAMMOCK method Valbonesi ®, volume 148
Homeopathy from the skin with micro drops that are emitted from the hammock TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 149
Diksha TREATMENTS IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 150
Anti-acid nutritionism feed from the mouth from the skin with micro-drops that are emitted from the hammock TREATMENT IN THE AIR ON HAMMOCK Valbonesi ® method, volume 151